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How to see email stats

Where to find your email stats will be determined by how you are sending your emails. If you are sending emails automatically through workflows you can check the stats of each email inside the workflow.

If you are using bulk requests to send out a broadcast via the email builder tab or contacts tab then you will need to check the bulk actions tab under contacts > contact requests.

IOS 15 updates possible effect on email open rates

Apple’s new IOS updates prevent tracking pixels from firing inside the email. The pixel is what reports back to the Everest system and will affect all email clients such as Active Campaign, Mailchimp etc.

This means that some opens on IOS devices won’t be tracked in campaigns and will alter your open rates.

Alternate Tracking options

instead of using open rates as a metric, consider using trigger links to track your “call to action” clicks. The reporting will show you the # and % of clicks for the link. These won’t be impacted by the new updates.

Updated on October 1, 2021

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